Partnership Minyan of Bala Cynwyd
Lechu Neranena, Lower Merion's partnership minyan, is dedicated to creating a spiritual and inclusive atmosphere within the framework of halacha. We encourage all members, regardless of gender or background, to actively participate in our services, but our main goal is to provide everyone with a wonderful tefillah. In our observant Zionist minyan committed to both halacha and equality, women often lead Kabbalat Shabbat, give Divrei Torah, receive aliyot and read Torah for the community. Lechu Neranena follows several prominent Orthodox rabbis who declare that the concept of כבוד הבריות, respect for all living creatures, allows and encourages women to take a more active role in the synagogue.
Lechu Neranena is a non-profit Pennsylvania corporation. The Lechu Neranena Board consists of: Hallie Chandler, Noah Gradofsky, Rafi Hamermesh, Carolyn Hochstadter, Emilie Passow, Nistar Steinerman, and Matthew Weitzman
Lechu Neranena is fortunate to have Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin as our halakhic adviser.Rabbi Lockshin received his rabbinical ordination at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav Kook in Jerusalem and his PhD from Brandeis University. Rabbi Lockshin has published three books and many academic articles. He is an active member of the Jewish community of Toronto and often writes for the popular Jewish press. Rabbi Lockshin is also the Halakhic Advisor of the Toronto Partnership Minyan and Kol Sasson Congregation in Skokie, Illinois.
Lechu Neranena is currently meeting at member homes. If you would like to stay informed about our upcoming services and their locations, please join our Google Group. Please note that this is not a discussion group and only Lechu Neranena can send messages to this group or see the membership of this group. We make every effort to keep the announcements to a minimum.
Friday Night Services
Generally, we meet on "Shabbat Mevarhim," the Shabbat prior to the beginning of each month. Please join our Google Group for all udpates and changes and to get informatoin on where we will meet.
- Friday, February 7 at 5:00 PM (Please note the change of date from January 24!) Kabbalat Shabbat and dairy potluck dinner at the home of Carolyn Hochstadter and Adam Dicker To help coordinate the meal, please sign up for dinner by Monday, February 3 (signups for davening only welcome as well).
- Friday, May 28 at 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and dairy potluck dinner at the home of Matthew and Hannah Hamermesh.
Shabbat Day and Holiday Services
Stay tuned for other Shabbat and Holiday Services.
- Fri. Mar. 14 @ 11AM - Megillah reading. Location TBA. Please email lnminyan@gmail.com if you would like to host!
Lechu Neranena is led entirely by its congregants
and we invite the participation of people of all genders and ages!
Our goal is to offer everyone the opportunity to participate in our minyan and community functions as fully as possible. Participation in each each aspects of Lechu Neranena is coordinated by the following people. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the following persons. If you experience any difficulty or would like to volunteer to help in another way, please feel free to contact us at lnminyan@gmail.com:
D'var Torah: Matthew Weitzman.
Leading Services/Reading Torah (Leining)/Haftorah: Hallie Chandler (temporary assignment)
Kiddush set-up and sponsorship: Email lnminyan@gmail.com.
Our goal is to offer everyone the opportunity to participate in our minyan and community functions as fully as possible. Participation in each each aspects of Lechu Neranena is coordinated by the following people. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the following persons. If you experience any difficulty or would like to volunteer to help in another way, please feel free to contact us at lnminyan@gmail.com:
D'var Torah: Matthew Weitzman.
Leading Services/Reading Torah (Leining)/Haftorah: Hallie Chandler (temporary assignment)
Kiddush set-up and sponsorship: Email lnminyan@gmail.com.
Community Events and Other Announcements
Stay tuned for announcements. The best way to stay current with Lechu Neranena is to join our Google Group (used for announcements only).
Contact Us
For general inquiries, please contact us at lnminyan@gmail.com.
Join Our Email List
If you would like to stay informed about our upcoming services, please join our Google Group. Please note that this is not a discussion group and only Lechu Neranena can send messages to this group or see the membership of this group. We make every effort to keep the announcements to a minimum.
Lechu Neranena is a partnership minyan, dedicated to Torah Judaism and allowing women to participate in tefillot to the full extent allowed by halachah. If you are interested in learning more about the halachot pertaining to partnership minyanim, here are some articles and sources:
- Guide for the Halachic Minyan by Elitzur A. and Michal Bar-Asher Siegal
- Congregational Dignity and Human Dignity: Women and Public Torah Reading by Rabbi Daniel Sperber
- Qeri'at HaTorah by Women: A Halakhic Analysis by Rabbi Mendel Shapiro
- Some Rabbinic Sources on Women and Torah Reading compiled by Elana Sztokman
- "Dignity of the Congregation" as a Defense Mechanism: A Halakhic Ruling by Rabbi Joseph Messas by Avinoam Rosenak
- Feminism Encounters Traditional Judaism: Resistance and Accomodation by Tova Hartman
- Stretching the Boundaries of Orthodoxy by Michael Gordan
If you are unfamiliar with the tefillot and would like to hear audio files of traditional tunes, see the Mission Minyan website at: http://www.missionminyan.org/whattoexpect_music.php.
Potluck Meal Guidelines
In order to insure that everyone knows what to expect at our potluck meals, please follow the following guidelines. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at lnminyan@gmail.com.
All food should be:
- Dairy or parve
- Prepared using kosher utensils and appliances
- Use ingredients bearing a widely accepted hechsher (kosher certification). For examples of such hechshers, see the following lists: CRC Kosherquest Denver Va'ad Anshe Shalom
- Prepared and transported in a manner consistent with sh'mirat Shabbat
- Wine must be mevushal
- For practical purposes, food should come fully ready to serve and with appropriate serving utensils.